Food Drives Ain’t What They Used To Be

Food Drive Donations

Food Drive Donations

My employer, who shall remain nameless, is having a food drive like so many businesses, schools, churches and other organizations.  A few days into the food drive, I happened to take a look in the collection box in the break room on my floor.  Among the 10 or so items in the box were:

  • Organic Sauerkraut
  • Starbucks Coffee
  • Clam Chowder

Call me old-fashioned, but to me this just doesn’t seem right.  A food drive should concentrate on the basics:  cans of fruit and vegetables, soup (chicken noodle an the like), beans, pasta, rice, boxed side dishes, and other staples.  Somehow, I don’t think people looking for a little extra help with groceries at this time of the year are looking for sauerkraut and premium coffee.

I have some experience with this.  When I was younger, my dad worked with the benevolence ministry at church.  My brother and I went with him sometimes.  In particular, I remember one Christmas Eve–or maybe Christmas Eve Eve, it’s been a long time–that we spent most of the day gathering cans and boxes from the church’s pantry, buying other items at Big Brothers, and then delivering groceries to several needy families.  As a young boy, it was an eye-opening experience–delivering help to families who were in want of even the basics.

But, Clam Chowder?  In a food drive?  Well, perhaps in these modern times anything is possible.

I like the way my church, Madison Church of Christ, organizes food drives.  There is a list of items for a Thanksgiving meal: corn, dressing, gravy, etc.  Families who want to help do so by buying the items on the list and bringing them to the church building.  Other people contribute money which goes to a meat voucher for each bag.  This means each family gets food they really need.

However, in the end, I guess it’s the thought that count.  I guess that someone, somewhere, is hoping for Starbucks coffee for Christmas.

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